Apex Legends Season 5 bugs continue to bother the game

Respawn recently released a new update to the very popular Battle Royale game, Apex Legends, which triggered the long-awaited season five. , In addition to some changes in the map, the pursuit of the first season at all. The Apex Legends patch also brought a bunch of tweaks to a number of legends and weapons along with some important bug fixes.

However, for all the bug fixes that were introduced with the patch, there were also some new fixes that started to appear for users. A number of social media players have noticed that they have had login problems since the last update was released.

Bugs Apex Legends Season 5

A number of users have reported currency issues, unsecured myths, and navigation not working in the main list. The developers released a soon-to-be-solved fix. However, it appears that the reform did not succeed in curbing the problem. More users started reporting server delays after a short time as results scoring issues were the worst in the whole group.

Apex Legends is still a problem with the reg game

Respawn quickly used a server-side hotfix package to effectively reduce the frequency of non-registration issues. Unfortunately, it is still the most popular among the players. This has led to many disgruntled Reddit players, with others visiting the microblogging site on Twitter to talk about their stories about unregistered shots. A few users complained that they were going to shoot shots at their targets. However, the game failed to score a hit. Here are more of these complaints from others:

Respawn addresses the issue

Fortunately for fans, the no-logging issue is quickly handled as a Tweet from Apex Legends official Twitter account tweeted to users that a server-side patch has been released to fix the issue. Hit recording clearly – was the most important aspect of Apex Legends. This was one of the reasons why developers put the issue at the highest level on their priority list to get the right solution.

While Respawn fixes the problem, fans should also be aware of the fact that there may be a slight delay in the fix, especially given the current global scenario. However, fans can still hope that the developers will solve the problem within the next few days using the new fix.
