Control’s consol September Update Really Improve Frame-Rate And Performance Boost

The launch of the Control console was not as easy as it could be. The last adventure of Remedy Entertainment suffered performance problems on all platforms. Still, the situation was particularly bad at the Xbox One and PS4 base, where the game could drop up to 10 frames per second. Remedy released a new patch earlier this week, which promised to improve console performance, but did it make a big difference?

Control’s consol September Update

According to a new analysis carried out by the technical managers of Digital Foundry, it seems that the answer is yes. If you have about 15 minutes to spare, you can watch the full video below.

Control see. 1.03 was only released for PS4, but that was the platform most affected by performance issues, so we can probably assume that any improvement in the Sony platform will also be transferred to Xbox One and PC when they receive the patch.

After the update, Control is now much more consistent in PS4 Pro, and the game currently maintains 30 fps, mostly consistent with occasional drops in the mid-20s. The base PS4 still suffers frequent drops, but they aren’t as severe: For the most part, the frame rate only drops to mid-20s and lows, not 10fps as before.


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