D2R Low Level Dueling Rare Items

For characters ranging in level from 9 to 30, low level dueling, or LLD, is a common type of player vs player combat in Diablo II Resurrected. The low level dueling community is quite competitive and active, and some of the best gear for these matches costs as much as or more than the typical PvP builds. There are many ways to collect low level dueling gear, but the quickest one is by simply buying D2R items from a trusted source, like

In order to increase your chances of victory in low level duels, whether you are an experienced LLD player or a new player to the game, we hope that this guide will help you grasp the value of various equipment. Let’s dive in and investigate which rare items you should watch out for!

Barbarian Helms are another option, offering bonuses to warcries and battle orders. Look for a helm with +1-2 to warcries and +3 to warcry, as well as +3 to battle orders

Druid Pelts, which can offer bonuses to elemental skills, summoning skills, and shapeshifting skills. For elemental skills, look for a pelt with +1 to Elemental skills and +3 to Moulten boulder, Arctic blast, or Firestorm. Alternatively, you can get +1-2 to Elemental skills and +2-3 to Fissure, Volcano, Armageddon, Twister, Tornado, and Hurricane. For summoning skills, you can find a pelt with +1 to Summoning skills and +3 to Raven, Poison Creeper, and Spirit Wolf, or +1-2 to Summoning skills and +2-3 to Dire Wolf, Heart of the Wolverine, Oak sage, and Grizzly Bear. If you’re focusing on Shapeshifting skills, look for a pelt with +1-2 to Shapeshifting Skills and +2-3 to Rabies, Fireclaw, Fury, and Maul.

Amazon Javelins and Bow and Crossbows can also be useful for LLD, offering bonuses to Javelin and Spear skills, as well as Bow and Crossbow skills. For

Javelin and Spear skills, look for weapons with +3-4 and +10-30 Ias.

For Bow and Crossbow skills, look for weapons with + skills and +10-20 Ias.

Necromancer Heads offer bonuses to summoning skills, poison and Bone skills, and curses. Look for a head with +1 to Summoning skills and +3 to Summon Skeleton Warrior and Summon Mastery, or +1-2 to Summoning skills and +3 to Fire Golem, Blood Golem, Iron Golem, or Clay Golem. If you’re focusing on poison and Bone skills, look for a head with +1 to poison and Bone skills and +3 to teeth and Poison Dagger, or +1-2 to poison and Bone skills and +2-3 to bone spear, bone spirit, and Poison Nova.

Necromancer Wands also offer bonuses to summoning skills, poison and Bone skills, and curses. Look for a wand with +1 to Summoning skills and +3 to Summon Skeleton Warrior and Summon Mastery, or +1-2 to Summoning skills and +3 to Fire Golem, Blood Golem, Iron Golem, or Clay Golem. For poison and Bone skills, look for a wand with +1 to poison and Bone skills and +3 to teeth, or +1-2 to poison and Bone skills and +2-3 to bone spear, bone spirit, Corpse Explosion, and Poison Nova.

Assassin Katars are also useful for LLD, but only hand scythes can roll staffmods and only at level 30. Look for katars with +1-2 to Traps and +2-3 to Wake of Fire. You can also look for rare weapons with other useful affixes, which are listed in the rare weapons section.

Paladin Scepters, Look for +1 To Combat skills and +3 to Blessed Hammer, as well as +3 to Holy Bolt and +3 to Fist of Heavens. FCR is an available mod as well. You can also check out the rare weapons section for additional affixes.

Rare Circlets

There are many different types of circlets that can roll, so we will list the affixes we want with required levels 18 and 30. Remember that neither coronet, tiara, nor diadem can be used at level 30.

Required level 18:

  • +1 Skill Tree
  • +10-20 To Life
  • +10-20 To Mana
  • +20-30 To Attack Rating
  • 10% Faster Cast Rate

Required level 30:

  • +2 To Skill Tree
  • +20-30 To Life
  • +20-30 To Mana
  • +40-60 To Attack Rating
  • +20% Faster Cast Rate
  • +10% Faster Hit Recovery

Sorceress Orbs

Look for +1 To Lightning skills and +3 to Charged Bolt. You can also look for +1 To Cold skills and +3 to Ice Bolt and Frost Nova, or +1-2 to Cold skills and +3 to Ice Blast, Glacial Spike, Blizzard, Frozen Orb, and Cold Mastery. Lastly, you can look for +1-2 to Fire skills and +3 to Fire Ball, Fire Wall, Meteor, Hydra, and Fire Mastery.

Rare Jewels, Rings and Amulets

Rare jewels, rings, and amulets are elusive objects that can have a strong impact on your character. In this article, we’ll go through the many affixes that expensive jewelry, rings, and amulets can have at various levels, as well as which affix combinations are preferable.


At Level 9, rare jewels can provide a significant boost to your physical damage output. The ideal jewel would have +14 to max damage, 20% Enhanced Damage (ED), and 40 Attack Rating. Look for combinations of Enhanced Damage and max damage as the primary affixes, while Attack Rating is a secondary priority. Some possible combinations include 9 max damage jewels, 8 max damage and high ED, 10 max damage, and 6-7 max damage with high ED.

At Level 18, rare jewels are often outclassed by Magic jewels, which can roll the “Of Carnage” affix (+11-15 max damage) in combination with the “Carmine” affix (+6-9 max damage), resulting in jewels with 24 max damage. However, a rare jewel with +15 max damage and 20% ED can still be valuable. Look for affixes such as “Carbuncle” (+1-5 max damage), “Rusty” (11-20% ED), and “Silver” (41-60 Attack Rating).

At Level 30, rare jewels become more viable for caster builds. Look for affixes such as “Carmine” (+6-9 max damage), “Rusty” (11-20% ED), and “Silver” (41-60 Attack Rating) for physical builds. For caster builds, prioritize stats such as Strength, Dexterity, Mana, Life, and Defense. A rare jewel with a total stat outcome of above 9 can beat a Magic jewel of the same type. Affixes such as “Bright” (+1 to light radius and 10 Attack Rating) and “Bone” (+21-40 Defense) can also be valuable.

Rare Rings

At Level 9, rare rings can provide useful bonuses to your character’s attributes. Look for affixes such as “Garnet” (+3-6 Fire Resistance), “Sapphire” (+3-6 Cold Resistance), “Topaz” (+3-6 Lightning Resistance), and “Emerald” (+3-6 Poison Resistance) to increase your character’s resistances. For physical builds, prioritize affixes such as “Raven” (+5-10 Attack Rating) and “Wolf” (+1-3 Strength). For caster builds, prioritize affixes such as “Eagle” (+1-3 Energy).

At Level 18, rare rings can provide more significant bonuses to your character’s attributes. Look for affixes such as “Cobalt” (+11-20 Cold Resistance), “Crimson” (+11-20 Fire Resistance), “Indigo” (+11-20 Lightning Resistance), and “Jade” (+11-20 Poison Resistance) to increase your character’s resistances. For physical builds, prioritize affixes such as “Garnet” (+7-10 Fire Resistance) and “Raven” (+10-20 Attack Rating). For caster builds, prioritize affixes such as “Sapphire” (+7-10 Cold Resistance) and “Eagle” (+4-6 Energy).

Rare Rings:

At Level 9, the best rare ring that can drop has 2 strength, 2 dexterity, 1 maximum damage, and 80 attack rating.

The following prefixes and suffixes can be found on rare rings at this level:


  • Silver (+61-80 Attack Rating)
  • Snakes’s (+5-10 mana)
  • Cobalt (+21-30% Cold resistance)
  • Garnet (+21-30% Fire resistance)
  • Coral (+21-30 Lightning resistance)
  • Jade (+21-30 Poison resistance)


  • Of Health (Damage reduced by 1)
  • Of Warding (Magic damage reduced by 1)
  • Of Craftsmanship (+1 Maximum damage)
  • Of Dexterity (+1-2 to dexterity)
  • Of Regeneration (+3-5 Replenish Life)
  • Of the Apprentice (+10% faster cast rate)
  • Of Energy (+1-3 to Energy)
  • Of the Jackal (+1-5 Life)
  • Of Remedy (Poison Length reduced by 25%)
  • Of Strength (+1-2 Strength)
  • Of Light (+1 light radius 15 attack rating)

At Level 18, rare rings are not frequently used because Angelic rings are available. However, they are useful for casters.

The following prefixes and suffixes can be found on rare rings at this level:


  • Platinum (+101-120 Attack Rating)
  • Dragon’s (+31-40 mana)
  • Cobalt (+21-30% Cold resistance)
  • Garnet (+21-30% Fire resistance)
  • Coral (+21-30 Lightning resistance)
  • Jade (+21-30 Poison resistance)


  • Of Protection (Damage reduced by 2)
  • Of the Sentinel (Magic damage reduced by 2)
  • Of Craftsmanship (+1 Maximum damage)
  • Of Skill (+3-5 to dexterity)
  • Of Worth (+2-3 Minimum damage)
  • Of Regeneration (+3-5 Replenish Life)
  • Of the Apprentice (+10% faster cast rate)
  • Of Brilliance (+7-10 to Energy)
  • Of the Fox (+6-10 Life)
  • Of Remedy (Poison Length reduced by 25%)
  • Of Might (+3-5 Strength)
  • Of the sun (+5 Light radius +5% to attack rating)
  • Of Radiance (+3 light radius +30 to attack rating)

Hasi is a seasoned gaming journalist with a passion for all things video games. With years of experience in the industry, Hasi specializes in delivering up-to-the-minute news, reviews, and features to readers. When he's not writing, Hasi enjoys playing games of all kinds, from first-person shooters to puzzle games.