Final Fantasy XV Google Stadia Save Game Bug Fixed

Streaming games is the best part of Google Stadia, which means that the search giant’s cloud devices really run your game instead of having a powerful computer or game console to do the dirty work.

Simply put, this means you will enjoy high-level games without the noisy fans around you, or even without downloading the games you play. Even better, Stadia operators will not have to wait for updates and/or corrections because things will be handled by the server side.

Not so long ago, Codemasters solved a problem that GRID operators on Google Stadia encountered without applying any software updates. Likewise, those who have faced the Final Fantasy XV save error in Stadia now have something to smile about.

We first reported a Final Fantasy XV save Bug in Stadia at the end of last month and followed it up with a status message from Square Enix regarding the availability of the solution.

Square Enix seemed unsure about whether or not to save the save error, which prompted the Google Stadia team to intervene with its own statement and promise to work on the error.

As of today, the Stadia team has returned with confirmation that the Final Fantasy XV save error has been fixed. Since there is no software update / correction for this purpose, the server-side solution is implemented, just like the GRID troubleshooter.

Several Final Fantasy XV players on Stadia have come out to acknowledge that the save bug has been addressed. Below are some of the comments handpicked from this Reddit post.

FFXV save bug has been fixed! u/GracefromGoogle confirmed that the fix has been deployed to all users. On my end I could confirm that I had no problem on my last 3 hours of playing FFXV, after the save bug just hit me 2 days ago.

I I just play 4 hours without problem! what a pleasure !!

Good… Now I can actually play it. I actually went to refund it today and got denied, only to find it is been fixed and that’s why… So that’s fine!

There seems to be some debate over who really solved the savings bug between the Google Stadia team and Square Enix, the game’s developer, which is something I think shouldn’t be a problem right now.
