Is It Better to Build or Buy a PC for Gaming? 

If you’re looking to get into the world of PC gaming, then you’ve probably heard conflicting ideas about what sort of system you should get. Is it better to build one yourself from scratch? Or should you buy a pre-built gaming PC? Keep reading and we’ll give you the answers…

Building a PC for gaming

Let’s start with the option that many hardcore gamers say is best; building a PC from scratch. 

Taking this route means that you get to create a PC which is completely bespoke and unique to you. You have complete control over which components you include, the way in which the system is configured and even which gaming-specific features are included (e.g. water cooling, RGB fans etc).

Traditionally, building a PC yourself for gaming was the cheaper route to take.

As you are purchasing components individually, you are able to shop around and find the best prices for each part. 

However, that’s not necessarily the case anymore. This is particularly true for graphics cards. 

If you want to include a high-end GPU in your PC (which you will need if you want to play top AAA titles), then you can end up spending way more than you would if you bought a pre-built system that includes that card. 

This is because pre-built PC manufacturers are able to take advantage of economies of scale, purchasing thousands of graphics cards at a time. Whereas you’ll probably find yourself competing against thousands of other individuals for the scarce supply of graphics cards.

Building a gaming PC also means that you’re effectively on your own. You have to source the components yourself, make sure they are all compatible with each other, and put them together yourself. 

If something goes wrong, it’s down to you

For many people, that’s part of the fun! But, if you don’t like the sound of that, then you’ll probably be better off buying a pre-built PC for gaming.

Buying a pre-built PC for gaming

Whilst many hardcore gamers turn their noses up at the idea of buying a pre-built PC for gaming, the fact is that more and more gamers are going down the pre-built route. 

There are several reasons for this, but perhaps the most timely is the fact that pre-built gaming PCs offer great value for money; especially those systems that feature hard-to-come-by graphics cards.

That’s not the only reason that pre-builts are becoming the go-to option for gamers. 

An increasing array of pre-built PC builders are now including multi-year warranties, service packages, tech support and more with their systems. So, you can effectively play games with total peace of mind. 

This makes pre-built PCs great for newbies to the world of PC gaming. You’re effectively buying something like a console – you know it will work, and keep working – but it’s a top level PC! Systems like CCL gaming PCs are a perfect example of this.

Buying a pre-built PC for gaming also relieves you of the hassle of having to source components, check compatibility and put it all together. The majority of quality pre-built manufacturers employ experienced experts to build their systems, so you’ll know your new PC will have been put together without fault. 

Pre-built PCs aren’t without their drawbacks however. 

Firstly, they don’t allow you to achieve the same level of customisation as you would if you were to build your PC yourself. 

Secondly, if you have favoured brands for specific components, then there’s no guarantee that a pre-built system will use them. For example, if you are a fan of Kingston memory, you may not be able to specify that your chosen pre-built includes it. 

It’s up to you

As you can see, whether you choose to build a PC yourself, or you choose to buy a pre-built PC, each route has its pros and cons. 

At present, pre-built PCs offer excellent value for money and are a great way for first-timers to get into gaming. They also represent one of the best ways of getting a high-performance graphics card without completely emptying your bank account.

But ultimately, it’s up to you!


Sammy is a lifelong gamer and journalist who loves to write about her favourite hobby. With a passion for storytelling, Ava specializes in features that explore the narratives of popular games. Sammy enjoys playing games, reading comics, and watching anime.