Overwatch Update 2.93 Patch Notes

Blizzard has just released a new Overwatch update. Overwatch today’s update 2.93, a new soundtrack and the Sigma’s Maestro Challenge will be added, as well as some improvements and bug fixes.

The Overwatch Update 2.93 can now be downloaded. You have to download and install a total of 424 MB. The size of the update can vary depending on the platform.

We have the full Overwatch Update 2.93 patch notes for this update on June 30.

Overwatch Patch Notes 2.93


New Feature: Career Profile Improvements

The Career Profile page has been redesigned to provide a better, more streamlined experience when viewing player profiles. Aside from the brand new look, we’ve also added some new quality-of-life features:

  • Game mode play time has been added to the overview section, so you can see exactly how much time you’ve spent in modes like Competitive Play or any of the community’s creative Workshop modes
  • Statistics are displayed in a tabular format, separated by “Average/10 min”, “Best”, “Total”, providing a cleaner, more readable view
  • In-game achievements are grouped by category, and can be filtered by what you’ve earned and have yet to unlock
  • Player Icons are now grouped by category and can be filtered by hero and owned status


  • Capture the Flag in-game achievements have been moved to the Maps category
  • Added additional playback languages for Echo’s Duplicate ability video

Overwatch Patch Notes 2.93 BUG FIXES


  • Fixed a bug with the FFA arcade game mode that caused 1P and 3P spectating to not function
  • Fixed a bug with the FFA arcade game mode that caused the Defeat screen to display for the winning team
  • Fixed a bug with the FFA arcade game mode not adding Replays for players within the match
  • Fixed a bug that caused Echo’s primary fire sound to play too loudly when using the “No Ammunition Requirement” setting
  • Fixed a bug in Custom Games that caused the Deathmatch announcer voice line to incorrectly state total kills remaining if the game mode was set to a custom score
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect team colors displaying for the winning team after a match concludes
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the jump landing sound effect to play if holding down the jump keybind
  • Fixed a bug in Tutorial that caused training bots to not display their health bars
  • Fixed a bug with the Role Select screen not appearing properly on multiple main menu screens for non-group leaders
  • Fixed a bug in Capture the Flag that caused the contesting sound effect to not change in pitch based on the flag’s proximity to the capture point



  • Fixed a bug where the Viper can clip through the camera if Ashe is jumping and firing while aiming down her sights


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Doomfist to scale a wall in Junkertown when using an emote


  • Fixed a bug where D.Va’s Micro Missiles were not being affected by damage boost abilities


  • Fixed a bug with the Deflect sound effect not matching the duration of the ability
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Genji to take projectile damage during a Deflect if too close to an enemy


  • Fixed a bug with Sonic Arrow not giving vision through walls when deflected by Genji

Wrecking Ball

  • Fixed a bug where Wrecking Ball could use Grappling Claw without transitioning into ball form
  • Fixed a bug with Minefield where some mines could become stuck inside terrain on Temple of Anubis


Stay tuned to THEGAMEROOF.COM for the latest Overwatch patch notes, and content drop news for the game.


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