The Division 2 Title Update 11 – Season Full Details

Ubisoft has published the exact date for The Division 2 Update 11, and all the details have been revealed. Title Update 11 for The Division 2 will be released tomorrow, September 22nd. The maintenance work is carried out as follows:

  • 09:30 CEST, 03:30 AM EDT, 12:30 AM PDT: The servers are shut down. The maintenance work begins.
  • 12:30 CEST, 06:30 AM EDT, 15:30 AM PDT: The maintenance work is complete. The Client Update 1.27 can be downloaded and installed.

The Division 2 Title Update 11 Loot Changes and Overview Detailed

  • New PvE mode
  • New gear
  • “Rainbow Loot” fix
  • Agnostic Mods
  • Appearance Mods
  • Season 3
  • Bug Fixes


There will be a new Exotic Crafting Quest that is attached to the new PVE Game Mode.

Bug Fixes

Here are some of the confirmed Bug Fixes that will be added with TU11. The build is currently still being worked on, so just because some issues are not mentioned here, that does not mean, it won’t be fixed once TU11 is final:

  • Gear dyes not working on the Striker gear set.
  • Polycarbonate crafting cost for SMGs being too high in TU10.
  • Inability to fast travel to the Dark Zones while in New York.

(and more)

TU11 – Loot Changes

TU10.1 Feedback

Degrading Loot Quality

  • They saw the community sentiment about “bad loot” and that the loot apparently has been “degrading” since TU10.1 dropped
  • They have made no changes to the power of the items or the systems that they have introduced with TU10.1.

No increase in Rainbow Loot

  • “Rainbow Loot,” or gear whose attributes have mixed colors (red, blue, or yellow, denoting offensive, defensive, or utility attributes), has not worsened or improved between Title Updates, because there has been no weighing of attributes in the loot system until now with TU11.

System Check

  • After the feedback, they’ve checked the system with simulations, but that can only represent the real world situation to a point.
  • Unfortunately there are issues that throw a wrench into the whole “better loot” proposition that should have been introduced with TU10.1. Some of them are presentation, some of them are bugs and some system improvements – like the Rainbow Loot – are still work in progress.

UI Issue

The presentation of an item is only accurate to a point. There is some rounding on stats that only have a few different possible values, like crit chance. The UI may not display this rounding, but this should not affect the actual quality of the loot.

False Difficulty Information

They’ve also identified instances, where the content you are playing feeds the loot-system the wrong difficulty information. For example, when a Heroic Checkpoint resets to normal after completion, you get normal quality loot instead of heroic quality. Bounties are another example that sometimes does not give you the quality it should. They are currently identifying these cases.

Skill Tier Stat impacts overall Item Quality

  • Skill Tier is basically a final stat that is always god-rolled.
  • Under the hood, the rolls of the item is basically done for the all stats and then the Skill Tier Stat just overwrites whatever value was assigned to the Skill Tier Stat.
  • So when it happened that the Skill Tier stat had a very good roll, the other stats could be a lower than they should be. So that could have been one of the reasons why items with Skill Tier were underwhelming.
  • Title Update 11 will exclude Skill Tier from the rolling, and the average power will be distributed across the two remaining stats.

With Update 11, there will be a lot of new content and a new season begins. Hidden Agenda season continues for 12 weeks, with new activities and rewards.

A new hunt guides you to find 5 rogue agents within 12 weeks of September 22nd. Eliminate all five to unlock the new Shrapnel Trap skill variant. Bardon Schaeffer, head of Black Tusk’s BTSU unit, is the main target this season.

New PvE Game Mode The Summit: Here you can take on the challenge of climbing a 100-story skyscraper, with each floor testing your skills and design as a division worker.

Changes to the Mods

  • The Mods themselves still remain red / yellow / blue
  • The blue resistance Gear Mods will get double values. This will be retroactive
  • There will be two new resistance mods (Ensnare / Confusion) that will be introduced there.

Once we know more details regarding TU11, and its release date, we’ll let our readers know.

Source: Reddit


Hasi is a seasoned gaming journalist with a passion for all things video games. With years of experience in the industry, Hasi specializes in delivering up-to-the-minute news, reviews, and features to readers. When he's not writing, Hasi enjoys playing games of all kinds, from first-person shooters to puzzle games.