Lost Ark Tier List 2023: Top Classes for PvE and PvP
With a total of 21 classes in the Lost Ark, it can be difficult to know which ones are best suited for endgame PvE or PvP. At, We’ve got you covered and will provide our expert recommendations
Lost Ark Tier List 2023: Expert Rankings for PvE and PvP
Our lost ark tier list for Lost Ark is structured based on extensive research and analysis, We have divided the classes into different tiers based on their strengths and suitability for PvE or PvP gameplay. The strongest classes are placed in the S tier, while the A tier consists of strong classes that are not as dominant. The B tier includes classes that are situationally strong, and the weakest classes are listed in the C tier.
The classes were each assigned to different tiers:
- The strongest classes are in the S tier
- There are still strong classes in the A tier, but they are not quite as dominant
- In the B tier are classes that are strong in certain situations
- The currently weakest classes are in the C tier
The order of this Tier List is subject to change based on game updates, which is an important consideration. We will continue to revise the list after each release. Additionally, the tier list should only be used as a guide. With proper gameplay, every class can have value in both PvE and PvP scenarios.
Lost Ark: The best classes in PvE

This tier list focuses on how useful each class is in group content in PvE.
Bull | Bard (Mage) Paladin (Warrior) Sorceress (Mage) |
A tier | Arcana (Mage) Artilleryman (Gunner) Summoner (Mage) Martial Monk (Martial Artist) War Dancer ( Martial Artist) Archer (Gunner) Pistollance (Warrior) Scrapper (Martial Artist) Soul Fist (Martial Artist) |
B tier | Berserker (Warrior) Shadowhunter (Assassin) Reaper (Assassin) Deathblade (Assassin) Destroyer (Warrior) |
C tier | Lancer (Martial Artist) Machinist (Gunner) Marksman (Gunner) Gunman (Gunner) |
Lost Ark: S Tier Class Explanations
The Bard and Paladin have secured their place in the S Tier for PvE due to their support abilities, making them valuable additions to any group in dungeons and raids. In our class guide, we provide expert advice on the optimal way to level up a Paladin and the specific skills that are available to them.
The Sorceress is a formidable damage dealer with powerful burst potential. However, it’s important to note that her DPS can decrease significantly if her attacks miss or if the rotation is not executed correctly.
A Tier Class Explanations
The Arkana is a magician with high DPS and mobility, but lacks defense and can be difficult to play due to the random effect of her cards, preventing her from making it into the S tier. The Artilleryman has party damage reduction and a shield, but may not be necessary with a support in the group. The Summoner is an easy-to-learn mage who deals heavy damage by summoning elementals to fight alongside her. The Battle Monk is a male version of the War Dancer, with slightly weaker buffs and slower gameplay, but still a strong contender. The War Dancer brings useful group buffs, including increased crit chance and attack speed, but may be difficult to play for high damage output. The Artistic Archer is a difficult class but can compete with those in the S tier with proper gameplay, but is fragile and easily defeated. The Pistol Lancer is the most defensive class with shield blocks and taunts, making her valuable in groups. The Scrapper is a strong class with good damage and not too difficult to learn. The Soul Fist has strong burst but requires long cast times and may not contribute much if attacks miss or enemies are defeated.
B Tier Class Explanations
The Berserker deals additional party-wide damage through a debuff that increases incoming damage to enemies. The Shadowhunter has useful abilities for surviving alone, but contributes less to the group than S tier classes. The Reaper is a fast class but weak to damage and requires constant repositioning. The Deathblade has specific group buffs that may not be fully exploited in random groups. The Destroyer has strong defense, burst damage, and CC, but may feel slow and requires well-placed attacks.
C Tier Class Explanations
The Sniper has good damage and ranged combat capabilities but does not contribute enough to the group. The Machinist is demanding as it requires playing two classes simultaneously and has little defense, making it weak in PvE. The Marksman requires close combat with backstabbing and has a specific playstyle, but is currently the weakest class in PvE.
Top PvP Classes in Lost Ark
Tier list for low-level PvP
Bull | Artilleryman (Gunner) Arcanist (Mage) Berserker (Warrior) Summoner (Mage) Sorceress (Mage) Destroyer (Warrior) |
A tier | Martial Monk (Martial Artist) War Dancer (Martial Artist) Shadow Hunter (Assassin) Deathblade (Assassin) |
B tier | Pistol Lance (Warrior) Machinist (Gunner) Sharpshooter (Gunner) |
C tier | Bard (Mage) Artificer (Gunner) Lancer ( Martial Artist) Paladin (Warrior) Reaper (Assassin) Fist of Souls ( Martial Artist ) Scrapper (Martial Artist) Marksman (Gunner) |
The classes listed here are based on which classes are easy to learn and most forgiving of mistakes. That’s why the paladin is at the top, but he’s also very strong in high-rank PvP.
Some classes, such as Artistic Archer or Sorceress, get better after fully mastering them.
Tier list for high-rank PvP in Lost Ark
Bull | Bard (Mage) Paladin (Warrior) |
A tier | Arcanist (Sorceress) Berserker (Warrior) Archer (Gunner) Machinist (Gunner) Pistollance (Warrior) Shadowhunter (Assassin) Destroyer (Warrior) |
B tier | Artilleryman (Gunner) Summoner (Mage) Martial Monk (Martial Artist) War Dancer (Martial Artist) Reaper (Assassin) Deathblade (Assassin) |
C tier | Lance Bearer (Martial Artist) Soul Fist (Martial Artist) Marksman (Gunner) Scrapper (Martial Artist) Deadshot (Gunner) Sorceress (Mage) |
Explanation of this list: The Tier List focuses on you mastering a class perfectly, as well as your teammates and opponents. Because then some classes are easier to counter, such as the summoner, which falls from the S to the B tier.
However, other classes, such as bard and paladin, level up significantly.
Do you have a preferred Lost Ark class to play? Do you typically follow Lost Ark tier lists? Please share your thoughts in the comments.