The Division 2: Maintenance, server down on April 24th, Patch Change Log
The Division 2 of the Xbox One and PC is now on the PS4, unscheduled maintenance on. Among other things, the most controversial nerf from TU9 is undone. The servers also go offline.
Why The Division 2 game maintenance?
After the big title update nine appeared last Tuesday, there was a lot of air in Division 2. in general, many a change was not exactly greeted with cheers, but the initially secret 40% of the popular M1A weapon made the mood of numerous agents boil up.
In the meantime, Massive has commented on the whole thing and announced that this controversial nerf would be withdrawn until the weapon can be adequately revised. The return should happen this week and is now one of the reasons for today’s unscheduled maintenance, which is accompanied by a downtime. So you won’t be able to play Division 2 for a while today.
READ MORE: The Division 2 Title Update 9 – Latest Patch Notes 1.22
Everything you need to know about maintenance at The Division 2 on April 24th
The schedule for today’s maintenance:
- Unscheduled maintenance is scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m.German time today. This is also the start of the downtime, the Division 2 servers are initially offline.
- According to Massive, the server down should last about 1.5 hours. During this time you have to do without The Division 2.
- If there are no problems, the Division 2 servers should come back up at around 1:00 p.m. German time. This would end today’s maintenance work.

The Division 2 Server Maintenance April 24
Division 2 is currently down for scheduled server maintenance. According to the official statement by UbisoftSupport on Twitter, the game servers will shut down for maintenance on Friday, April 24 at 11:30 AM CEST / 05:30 AM EDT / 02:30 AM PDT. Also, the servers will undergo maintenance for 90 minutes and during this time, the game will be unavailable.
Official Tweet –
The servers will shut down for an unscheduled maintenance on Friday, April 24 at 11:30 AM CEST / 05:30 AM EDT / 02:30 AM PDT.
Estimated downtime is approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.
What is changing today? The Division 2 Patch Notes:
The following changes are made in the course of maintenance:
- Readjustment of M1A Classic / Bakers Dozen. The Nerf from Title Update 9 will be withdrawn – at least in part. In PvE, the 40% damage reduction is completely withdrawn. These weapons will be as strong there again as they were before TU9. Damage reduction in PvE will now be 20% instead of 40% as in TU9.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from attacking generators, which in turn can block progress in missions.
- Fixed an issue where all gun skill variants would fail after throwing when the Cool Skills directive was active.
READ MORE: The Division 2 Title Update 9 – Latest Patch Notes 1.22
Stay tuned to TheGameRoof for the latest The Division 2 patch notes, and content drop news for the game.