Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege New Update 5.1.1 – Patch Notes 1.84 (BUG FIXES)
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege will receive a new update this week. Ubisoft has now released all the details for update 5.1.1. This update fixes many bugs in the game.Â
The Y5S1.1 Patch will deploy to both PC and Console on the week of March 23rd. The Rainbow Six Siege Update 1.84 / 5.1.1 can be downloaded this week over and installed. Unfortunately we don’t have an exact date.
The full patch notes can be found below.
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Patch Notes 1.84 – Update Y5S1.1

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Latest Update BUG FIXES
There is nothing in the way of balancing or changes in the overall meta, so this latest update may only interest you if you are bugged with duplicate walking effects or problems with withdrawing your shield when playing as specific operators.
- FIXED – Inconsistent debris when barricades/hatches are destroyed by multiple different weapons.
- FIXED – Sound propagation issues when the spikes on a reinforcement are destroyed.
- FIXED – Explosion SFX of some gadgets can be muffled if detonated on the back/spiked sections of reinforced walls.
- FIXED – Spamming gadget equip/unequip can cause shield operators to take longer to equip their shield.
- FIXED – Incorrect animations when performing certain actions.
- FIXED – When ADS some parts of the scope will go in and out of focus.
- FIXED – Various operator visual animation issues.
- FIXED – Operator’s shields will flip if going prone right after a melee.
- FIXED – Using ADS while Blackbeard’s shield is equipped causes SFX issues.
- FIXED – Castle’s armored panels are destroyed by any explosive if an operator is standing too close to the panel.
- FIXED – Clash CCE shield has a slightly overextended hitbox.
- FIXED – If Echo gets DBNOed while deploying his Yokai he is unable to deploy his 2nd Yokai later.
- FIXED – Missing overheat SFX when firing his Evil Eye.
- FIXED – Maverick can instantly destroy hatches with his suri-torch under certain circumstances.
- FIXED – Monty’s shield hitbox is larger than the shield and can prevent players from hitting enemies when they hide behind Monty.
- FIXED – Sight alignment offset when Nokk goes from prone to standing if Hel is activated.
- FIXED – Weapon stays on screen after ADSing with Hel activated.
- FIXED – EOR replay camera doesn’t move if Iana activates her gadget at the last moment.
- FIXED – After hologram is destroyed or recalled, Iana can sometimes see OOW very briefly.
- FIXED – Hologram VFX remains even if her hologram is destroyed right upon deployment.
- FIXED – Iana’s operator model remains in the map even if the player leaves the game while controlling the hologram.
- FIXED – From 3rd person POV, Iana’s hologram deploys facing the wrong direction.
- FIXED – Iana’s hologram doesn’t take the same weapon that Iana is equipped with (Her hologram has a mind of its own).
- FIXED – Iana’s hologram can trigger shrapnel holes.
- FIXED – Iana can still control her hologram even after Mute places a jammer close by if she is already in the Hologram beforehand.
- FIXED – Iana can’t deploy her hologram when there are Lesion Gu Mines in front of her.
- FIXED – Scanned Jackal footprints disappear during killcam when Jackal scans them.
- FIXED – Scanned footprints disappear during a killcam when the owner of the footprints is killed.
- FIXED – Jackal can swap scans between 2 sets of footprints of the same operator without getting his gadget reset.
- FIXED – Kali’s CSRX 300 won’t destroy a hatch if it only hits one panel of the hatch.
- FIXED – Operators with ballistic shields are stuck in an un-equipped shield state while trying to remove Lesion’s Gu needles.
- FIXED – Inconsistent damage and concussion FX when using Oryx’s Remah dash in certain spots or in abnormal ways.
- FIXED – If Oryx dashes into a reinforced wall next to a destructible, he will take damage without destroying the destructible wall. (Poor guy doesn’t need any higher insurance premiums).
- FIXED – Oryx can sometimes lose control if he is pushed back by a Nomad Airjab at the same time that he attempts to climb a hatch.
- FIXED – Players can melee after being knocked down by Oryx or Nomad’s Airjabs.
- FIXED – Using Sledge’s breaching hammer on the sides of the hatches does not break them.
- FIXED – Sledge continues to reload his weapon even if he cancels it to take out his hammer.
- FIXED – Zofia’s impact grenades can pass through Operator’s shields and detonate, if the defending operator is sprinting/walking at the time.
- FIXED – Gadget deployment inconsistencies with various map assets.
- FIXED – Inconsistencies/issues with the destruction of some map props.
- FIXED – Various LOD issues on maps.
- FIXED – Various problematic LoS issues on maps.
- FIXED – Some pixel peeks and spawn peek spots on maps.
- FIXED – Various visual/cosmetic fixes on maps and map assets.
- FIXED – Various clipping/dynamic clipping issues with map assets.
- FIXED – Various clipping and dynamic clipping issues
- FIXED – Various lighting issues for dark spots on maps.
- FIXED – Some collision issues with map assets + drones/Operators.
- FIXED – When using a breaching charge on the lower section of a barricaded window, it destroys only the top layer of the adjacent floor.
- FIXED – Some walls types do not take bullet damage when shot from a certain side.
- FIXED – Players can go OOB from the police barricade.
- FIXED – Oryx can go through a wall using his Remah dash in 2F Armory Desk of Border.
- FIXED – Hibaba’s X-Kairos has no collision with the desk at 1F Lobby of Consulate.
- FIXED – Inconsistent vaulting and vault issues for some areas of Oregon.
- FIXED – Some collision/navigation issues with some map assets on Oregon.
- FIXED – Various areas where players can still receive damage from outside indestructible walls on Oregon.
- FIXED – Valkyrie Black Eye can be hidden inside a flower pot in 1F Lobby of Oregon.
- FIXED – Indestructible wooden shelf in 1F Meeting Hall in Oregon
- FIXED – Players can get stuck after vaulting the metal fence at EXT Construction Site on Oregon.
- FIXED – Ceiling fans on Oregon have inconsistent SFX.
- FIXED – Wall splinters remain when destroying some of the walls on Yacht.
- FIXED – Duplicate running SFX when sprinting close to a wall.
- FIXED – Overlapping running SFX when shield is on a shield operator’s back.
- FIXED – Players receive a matchmaking error when making a full squad and trying to join an Unranked match.
- FIXED – Various minor menu and HUD visual fixes and updates
- FIXED – Toggling gadgets too quickly can cause Operators to look strange from 3rd person POV.
- FIXED – Various shop and cosmetic visual issues.
- FIXED – Various spectator mode visual issues on maps.
- FIXED – Various minor menu and HUD fixes and updates.
- FIXED – For bright light sources and bright cosmetics, the lens effect with Bloom/Lens flare is too bright.
- FIXED – Infinite loading in menu for some Operator/weapon previews
- FIXED – Situations: Operators can get stuck and lose functionality during Prep phase after skipping the cinematic.
- FIXED – JIP/Reconnecting players sometimes see incorrect information displayed when spectating.
- FIXED – Grainy thumbnail texture for maps in the Maps tab of the playlist guides.
Source : Ubisoft
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is available now for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Stay tuned to TheGameRoof for the latest Rainbow Six Siege patch notes, and content drop news for the game.