NBA 2K22 Hotfix Patch Notes Update 1.011

NBA 2K22 1.010 update was published yesterday, today will follow the 1.011 hotfix patch for NBA 2K22. In this article, we’ll explain exactly what’s going on there.

New NBA 2K22 Update 1.011is now available for download for all platforms. The file size on Xbox is around 846MB on PS5, and the size can vary depending on the platform.

NBA 2K21 Version 1.011 – Next Gen Update & Patch Notes

NBA 2K21 has launched Next-Gen Patch Update 9, or Version 1.011 for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, which should be available now on both consoles.

We don’t yet have a full Courtside Report from 2K with detailed Patch Notes, but Version 1.010 also didn’t have a Courtside Report similar in size to this patch.

THE LITTLE THINGS: This update has just a few minor fixes

The following patch notes for update Version 1.011 were released on Twitter:

  • WNBA court floors and drones have been updated for the new season
  • Rookieville has been modified to easier entry into The City for new players. A 1v1 court with a CPU opponent will now be available to ensure there is always an opponent.
  • By position, AI-generated players will now have appropriate heights when playing games in The Rec.

With some of this update being specific to The City and the whole thing is relatively small, to begin with, it may not release for the current-gen any time soon.

At this point, any major potential changes for NBA 2K21 are all but guaranteed to be saved as changes or new features in NBA 2K22.