Top Speed 2 Game Review –

There are a lot of different cars in Top Speed 2, and each one can be upgraded and has its own special powers. The story takes place in a 90s action movie setting, which isn’t just a side plot like in most brokers. So, let’s get right to it and see how good this sequel is and what it adds to the racing game.

Top Speed 2 Game Review

Progress and reception

Top Speed 2 Drag Rivals & Nitro Racing and the game that came before it are both examples of how the racing genre has grown for mobile devices. T-Bull, the creator who won fans’ respect with the first game in this series of races, is to thank for this incredibly interesting and appealing mix of story, the feel of the 1990s, racing, and immersion. Now, they added even more cars, better graphics, and more environments. You could even bet on races in this great feat.

The plot of Top Speed 2

Like a lot of action films from the 1990s and some crime/investigation TV shows and films like Fast and Furious and 60 Seconds, this game pulls the player right into the action. You (the player) start out as a cop who has been banned and is known for liking to drive and compete. They have to work undercover for the police because they need their experience with a certain job. They will forget your past mistakes and force you to fit in again if you do this.

Lately, high-class, expensive cars that belonged to rich people have been going missing. It is their job to find and return these cars and figure out how they were stolen. When you meet the beautiful Miss July Marks, the field agent you’re in touch with, things get hot. She tells you about the race gangs in The City. She sets you up to work in the basement so that after you show off your skills, you can be hired.

Top Speed 2 – Official Android Gameplay Trailer


The running game type is cleverly mixed with a pretty cool video game story. Following this, he starts his trip through the underworld by taking part in freestyle races that happen in cities and usually have pretty lax rules. Of course, the gears and turns are the most important things for the player to learn. But his job skills are only half the job; he also needs to make money and spend it on fixing up and improving his car.

The following are some of Top Speed 2’s features:

  • There are now more than 70 cars to choose from.
  • Three different types of racetracks
  • Many ways to improve and customise your car
  • There are different racing modes, such as Story and Elite modes
  • The List of Leaders
  • Racing setting with a time limit
  • See things in 3D Full HD
  • New mode for multiplayer


T-Bull has pushed the envelope with these two titles, both by merging history with a racing game and also by bringing high-end graphics into a fast-paced Android game. In summary, this game offers 3D graphics with 3D environments but still manages to stay fast and offers a stroke of the old adrenaline rush.


Top Speed 2: The developers of Drag Rivals & Nitro Racing took what was good about the first game and made it even better by adding to and improving on it. T-Bull didn’t fix anything that wasn’t broken; instead, they just added the boat. If you use Android, this is the best thing you can do for your job. If you haven’t done it yet, you should.