Apex Legends

Apex Legends’ cross-play beta Version to be Launch soon

Apex Legends will soon get cross-platform play on PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One, developer Respawn Entertainment confirmed. As part of the group event, it will bring many new features, including the long-awaited shared play beta.

Apex Legends cross-play beta coming to PC, PS4, Xbox One

Apex Legends will launch its latest group event, Aftermarket, on Tuesday, October 6. This major update will bring a lot of new content, including a new LTM called Flashpoint, but also and most of all, the long-awaited Cross Beta.

Since the game’s release, players have been demanding that crosshairs be implemented in the game. This allows you to play with friends regardless of the device they are playing on.

Respawn took a while, but they eventually released a beta to test the sight and see if it works well in the game.

According to Chad Grenier, Game Manager for Apex Legends, players will have full access to cross-play functionality as developers collect data and extensively test the feature and comment.

They will be able to meet and play together on all currently supported platforms (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Origin). Cross-platform play is enabled by default, unless you change it. Basically, you will be able to add, invite and voice chat with friends from all platforms.

However, you should know that cross play does not imply cross progress. You will not be able to transfer your saved data from one platform to another.

Apex legends: In terms of matchmaking, it’s a bit more complicated because computer players will only continue to play with other computer players. There is a reason for this and it is very simple:

“We want to ensure that the actuators on the keyboard and mouse are not identical to the actuators on the console, for reasons that should be clear.”

It is understandable and important to know that it will be possible for console players to play with computer players, but they will be placed in computer games. Console gamers will obviously benefit from the aim assist feature, M + K, which allows for more precise movements.

This will be an opportunity to see how the battles between PC and console players go.

Respawn did not communicate the duration of this beta. The only thing we know is that the after-sales event ends on October 20.

More details on Flashpoint and the Aftermarket Collection Event, as well as specifics on cross-play matchmaking, are available at EA’s Apex Legends website.