Gears of War 4

How to Fix Gears of War 4 Low FPS Issues

The video game Gears of War 4 is a nail-biting and action-packed experience that provides players with an immersive gaming environment. On the other hand, if you are playing the game and you are experiencing problems with low frames per second (FPS), it can have a significant impact on how much you enjoy it.

In this article, we will explore several effective solutions to help you resolve Gears of War 4 low FPS problems and get back to smooth and fluid gameplay.

Update Your Graphics Drivers:

Low frames per second (FPS) issues in games are frequently caused by graphics drivers that have not been updated. To ensure that your graphics card is operating at its full potential, you should go to the official website of the company that makes your graphics card (for example, NVIDIA or AMD) and download the most recent drivers that are designed specifically for your GPU model. When you want to restart the game, you should first install the drivers and then restart your computer.

Adjust Graphics Settings:

Tweaking the graphics settings within Gears of War 4 can significantly improve FPS performance. Access the game’s settings menu and lower certain graphic options, such as shadows, anti-aliasing, and post-processing effects. While this may slightly reduce visual quality, it can noticeably boost your FPS.

Disable Unnecessary Background Processes:

Background processes and applications can consume system resources, leading to decreased FPS in games. Close any unnecessary programmes running in the background, especially resource-intensive applications like web browsers, video editors, or antivirus software. By freeing up system resources, you can allocate more power to Gears of War 4, improving its performance.

Optimize Power Settings:

Some power settings on your computer might limit the performance of your hardware. To ensure maximum performance, set your power plan to “High Performance.” This can be done by navigating to the power options in your computer’s control panel or settings menu. Keep in mind that this might increase power consumption, so it’s recommended for gaming purposes only.

Disable V-Sync:

Vertical sync, or V-Sync, is a setting that synchronises the frame rate of a game with your monitor’s refresh rate. While it can prevent screen tearing, it may also limit your FPS. Disable V-Sync in the game’s settings or your graphics control panel to potentially boost your FPS. Note that disabling V-Sync may result in occasional screen tearing.

Clean Up Your System:

It is possible for your computer to accumulate temporary files, software that is not necessary, and other clutter over time. This clutter can have an effect on the overall performance of the system, including the performance of games. Through the process of uninstalling programmes that are not necessary, deleting temporary files, and running disc cleanup utilities, you should perform a comprehensive system cleanup. In addition, make sure that your hard drive has sufficient free space in order to achieve the best possible performance.

Adjust Windows Visual Effects:

The visual effects that are included in Windows operating systems have the potential to use up system resources. You have the ability to potentially improve the performance of the game by adjusting these settings. You can access the settings by right-clicking on the “This PC” or “My Computer” icon, selecting “Properties,” navigating to “Advanced System Settings,” and then clicking on “Settings” under the “Performance” sector. You have the option of selecting the “Adjust for best performance” option, or you can manually disable particular visual effects that are of your less significance.

Monitor Temperature and Hardware Usage:

Excessive heat can cause performance issues in your system, including low FPS in games. Monitor the temperature of your CPU and GPU using software tools like MSI Afterburner or HWMonitor. If temperatures are abnormally high, ensure proper ventilation and consider cleaning dust from your computer’s internal components. Additionally, check your CPU and GPU usage during gameplay. If either is consistently at maximum capacity, it may indicate a need for hardware upgrades or optimization.

Verify Game Files and Reinstall:

Game files that are either corrupted or missing can cause issues with performance. To ensure that the files in Gears of War 4 are in good condition, you can use the built-in file verification feature of the game or the game launcher that is specific to the game (for example, Steam). In the event that any problems are identified, the system will automatically replace or repair the files that are causing the disruption. When the problem is more severe, you might want to consider uninstalling the game and then reinstalling it to ensure a clean installation.


In Gears of War 4, dealing with issues related to low frames per second (FPS) can be extremely frustrating; however, if you employ the appropriate strategies, you can significantly improve your gaming experience. Through the process of updating your graphics drivers, modifying the settings within the game, optimising your system, and making any necessary adjustments, you will be able to achieve a more fluid gameplay experience with an increase in frames per second. You should carry out each of these steps in sequential order, testing the game after each modification, in order to determine which solution is the most effective for your particular system configuration.