Destiny 2 Latest Update 2.9.0 – Server Down (June 9th 2020)
Bungie has announced the next Destiny 2 update on the official website – we have all the information about maintenance and server downtime.
On Tuesday, June 9th, Destiny 2 servers will be offline, maintenance will be done, and update 2.9.0 will be released.

Destiny 2 server downtime on June 9th
- 6:00 p.m .: On Tuesday, June 9th, maintenance work will begin around 6:00 p.m. Some Destiny API features on, mobile apps, and third-party apps are disabled.
- 6:45 p.m .: Destiny 2 goes offline for routine maintenance.
- 7:00 p.m .: Destiny 2 Update 2.9.0 is launched on all platforms and regions. Players can log in to Destiny 2 again.
The most important information about the weekly activities from 02.06. until June 9th
These nightfalls are ready: At regular twilight (power level 820) you can choose from these nightfall strikes:
- Tree of Probabilities
- Will of the thousands
- Brood-proof
At dusk: the test of fire is the strike
- The term of insight
Strikes and story missions are available with the following modifiers:
- Arc scorching
- blackout
- grenadier
The scorch modifier remains the same until the next weekly reset. The other two modifiers change daily.
Melting Pot : There are these modes to choose from in PvP:
- Private match (core playlist)
- Rumble (core playlist)
- Control (core playlist)
- Team Scorched (Rotation Playlist)
- Showdown (rotation playlist)
- Elimination (core playlist)
- Survival (core playlist)
- Survival: Freelance (core playlist)
- Classic mix (core playlist)
Billing: These modifiers are active:
- Arc scorching
- Heavyweight
Escalation protocol: On Mars you can get these weapons from the final boss in the escalation protocol:
- the legendary sniper rifle IKELOS_SSG_v1.0.1
- the legendary shotgun IKELOS_SF_v1.0.1
- the legendary submachine gun IKELOS_MP_v1.0.1
These are the highlights of this week’s glossy dust:
- The exotic gesture “carry the load”
- The exotic Sparrow “Urban Commander”
- The exotic ship “Obisidian wing”
- The exotic weapon ornament for ace of spades “All In”
- The exotic ghost case “CLVS-241 case”