Minecraft Update Patch Notes – Bedrock 1.13.0

How To Make Minecraft Less Laggy – Top Tips and Tricks for Optimal Performance

Minecraft, the immensely popular sandbox game, offers players a vast world to explore and build. However, lag can hinder the overall gaming experience, leading to frustration and reduced enjoyment. In this article, we’ll delve into actionable steps to optimize Minecraft performance, making it less laggy and more responsive. We’ll also address common questions and provide further insights to ensure you have the best possible gaming experience.

Optimize Java Settings

Minecraft runs on Java, and tweaking its settings can have a significant impact on performance. Follow these steps to ensure you have the right configurations:

Allocate Sufficient RAM: Minecraft benefits from more RAM allocation. Open the Minecraft launcher, go to “Installations,” and select your profile. Click “More Options” and adjust the “JVM Arguments” to allocate more RAM. For instance, use -Xmx4G to assign 4GB of RAM.

Use 64-bit Java: Install the 64-bit version of Java on your computer, as it can handle larger amounts of RAM more efficiently.

Keep Minecraft and Mods Updated

Mojang frequently releases updates that address performance issues and bugs. Similarly, ensure that your installed mods are up to date, as outdated mods can lead to compatibility issues and lag.

Lower Graphics Settings

Reducing graphical settings can significantly improve Minecraft’s performance, especially on lower-end machines. Adjust the following settings:

Render Distance: Lower the render distance to decrease the amount of world loaded, which can free up resources. A setting between 6-10 chunks is recommended for smoother gameplay.

Graphics: Set graphics to “Fast” and turn off fancy graphics, clouds, and smooth lighting.

Particles and Entities: Reduce particle and entity render distances, which can improve performance in crowded areas.

Install Optifine

Optifine is a popular mod that enhances Minecraft graphics and performance. It allows for advanced video settings and optimizations, including improved frame rates, dynamic lighting, and more.

Clear Unnecessary Resource Packs and Mods

Having numerous resource packs and mods installed can burden your system, leading to lag. Keep only the ones you actively use and consider removing those that you no longer require.

Close Background Applications

Running resource-intensive applications in the background can affect Minecraft’s performance. Before playing, close unnecessary applications to free up system resources.

Check for Driver Updates

Ensure your graphics card drivers are up to date, as outdated drivers can hinder performance. Visit the manufacturer’s website or use driver update software to get the latest drivers.

Utilize Performance-enhancing Mods

Some mods are specifically designed to optimize Minecraft’s performance. Mods like “BetterFPS” and “FastCraft” can help reduce lag and increase frame rates.

Opt for Lower Resolution Resource Packs

High-resolution resource packs demand more resources from your system. Consider using lower resolution packs (16x or 32x) to reduce the strain on your computer’s resources.

Use a Lightweight Minecraft Version

If you experience severe lag even after optimizations, consider using a lightweight Minecraft version like “Minecraft Bedrock Edition” or “Minecraft Pocket Edition.” These versions are optimized for better performance on mobile and lower-spec devices.

Why is my Minecraft so laggy?

Several factors can contribute to Minecraft’s laggy performance, including:

  • Insufficient RAM allocation
  • Outdated Java or graphics card drivers
  • High render distance and graphics settings
  • Too many resource packs and mods running simultaneously
  • Background applications using system resources

How do I make Minecraft run smoother on a low-end computer?

For smoother performance on low-end computers, consider the following additional tips:

  • Set graphics to the lowest settings possible
  • Reduce the render distance to 6-8 chunks
  • Use a lower resolution resource pack
  • Limit the number of running mods and background applications

Does reducing the render distance affect gameplay?

Reducing the render distance may slightly limit your visibility in the game, but it can significantly improve performance, especially on less powerful systems. Finding the right balance between performance and visibility is essential for an optimal gaming experience.


By following these expert tips, you can significantly improve Minecraft’s performance and enjoy a smoother, lag-free gaming experience. Optimize Java settings, update the game and mods regularly, lower graphics settings, and utilize performance-enhancing mods to ensure Minecraft runs seamlessly, allowing you to delve into its blocky world without interruptions.

Remember to experiment with different settings to find the optimal configuration for your specific system. With these improvements, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying lag-free adventures in Minecraft.