Overwatch Experimental Patch Notes Update – May 2020
Blizzard released a new experimental Update for Overwatch. The update mostly targets support characters in attempts to bring each of the characters closer to one another’s viability. Bastion and Junkrat, two people often seen in lower Elus and not in the higher characters, also saw amateurs in an attempt to increase their winning rates across all levels of play.
The new Overwatch Update is no available for all platforms, PS4, Xbox One and PC. We have the full patch notes for this update below.

Overwatch Experimental Patch Notes Update
The next experiment begins! This time we’re hoping to get your feedback on some balance updates. We’re using the 2-2-2 Role Queue ruleset so that you can get a feel for how these balance changes might affect the live game.
Biotic Rifle
- Healing reduced from 75 to 70
Configuration: Sentry
- Spread decreased 10%
- Shots until max spread reduction lowered from 60 to 40
- Resource drain rate increased 20%
- Healing per second increased from 75 to 90
Frag Launcher
- Projectiles maintains slightly more velocity on ricochet
Concussion Mine
- Projectile speed increased from 20 to 25
- Ricochet distance off of enemy players greatly reduced
Total Mayhem
- Bomb detonation time reduced from 1 sec to 0.7
- Bombs spread increased 50%
Caduceus Staff
- Healing per second increased from 50 to 55
Biotic Orb
- Damage radius reduced from 5 to 4 meters
- Projectile speed increased from 16 to 20
- Projectile duration reduced from 10 to 7 seconds
Orb of Discord
- Damage amplification increased from 25% to 30%
Source: Blizzard