Apex Legends New Update 1.42 Patch Notes (July 7, 2020)
Apex Legends developers released a new update. Apex Legends update 1.42 can now be downloaded for all platforms. You need to download and install a total of around 135 MB, depending on the platform. This little update only fixes bugs.

We have the full patch notes for this Apex update on July 7, 2020.
Apex update 1.42 patch notes
Lupa’s tactics do not work well in large areas of the edge of the world. Since Goddess’s thread seems interesting to people, I have discovered that I’m going to break this down a little and give insight into what we do. (Topic below: 1/11)
If you are curious, we create mega volumes (triggers) around slopes on maps to prevent players from staying there. You will see warnings outside the boundaries if you land in these places. We don't want to remotely switch to Luba, so her tactics will fail when she lands in one of these triggers out of bounds (or the killer trigger, at the bottom of the map). This is expected behavior. However, we made a mistake in the Lost Treasures patch as her bracelet often fails but only in Worlds Edge. How do? Players run slightly differently on Worlds Edge. Jobs facing the same user, compiled in a slightly different way, we have compiled more There's really no reason for that, it's just a hoax in the gaming industry as some developers compose content differently. Kings Canyons players are not bundled. However, some code has changed and only its bracelet functions are broken in those specially designed catalysts in WE. So far, her bracelet flies, touches these bundled stimuli during the trip, and it's considered a failure. Usually, you should land in failure. (This is not * exactly * the problem, but it is close enough, and my mind exploded when the programmer explained to me) It is one of those unfortunate mistakes that came from another change and affected part of the game that we haven't tested too much, so we didn't catch it in time. So our options are - disassemble players on the map and re-delegate them, or fix the code. Unpacking the players requires translating a new map. This can lead to new errors and will require major correction. Or fix a problem with the icon. This also has risks. We are going with the code fix. Good news, it's already fixed! Now we are testing the fix, which takes some time because this symbol touches many parts of the game. We have a holiday in the US on Friday, so people don't work at that time. Realistically, the middle of next week we will fix the fix. We talked about Loba stopping the character selection, but we've decided that players prefer to play it rather than not play. You may experience difficulties completing or working on a badge, etc. Anyway, that's what happens there. I enjoy giving some technical glitches to the issues we face and some insight into the reason for making decisions. I hope it helps you all understand what's going on behind the scenes. Thanks for reading!
Stability improvements and bug fixes.
Stay tuned to TheGameRoof for the Apex content drop news for the game.