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Destiny 2 maintenance and downtime on 7 November Check hare

Bungie has announced the next Destiny 2 update. On Thursday the 7th of November, the Destiny 2 servers will be offline to play the hotfix. Below you will find all the details of this announcement.

Destiny 2 Hotfix Update will be released on Thursday, November 7. Between 8:45 AM PST and 11:00 AM PST, the review should be available. Therefore, you may have to download and install Destiny 2 Update Patch 1.44, but this is not yet confirmed.

Destiny 2 maintenance and downtime on 7 November

8:00 AM PST1600 UTCDestiny 2 will undergo maintenance for Destiny 2 Hotfix
8:45 AM PST1650 UTCPlayers in Destiny 2 will be removed from activities and will be unable to log in until 9 AM when Destiny 2 Hotfix becomes available.Some Destiny API features on, mobile and third-party apps will be disabled.
9:00 AM PST1700 UTCDestiny 2 is expected to come back online.Destiny 2 Hotfix is expected to roll out to all platforms and regions.Users may experience sign-on issues as background maintenance will still ongoing.
11:00 AM PST1900 UTCDestiny 2 maintenance is expected to conclude.Console players who encounter issues updating to Hotfix should reset their console and try downloading the update.Players who observe issues should report to the Help forum.


The game Destiny 2 Update is available now for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Stay tuned to TheGameRoof for the latest Destiny 2 patch notes, and content drop news for the game.