Epic Game Store: Mega Sale is back, and ‘GTA V’ is Free

It’s that time again! A big sale has started in the Epic Games Store! The campaign is to last from May 14 to June 11, you currently have a total of one week to secure the latest part of the legendary GTA series for free. So yesterday, Thursday, rumors of a free version of GTA V were confirmed, which had previously been speculated on social media.

Right at the start of the discount event, there were violent technical problems with Epic Games, so that the website and especially the store could not be reasonably reached for hours. However, if you want to secure GTA V – even in the Premium Edition with plenty of start-up capital for online mode and many other goodies – for your own library free of charge, you still need to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) in order to use the weekly service to be able to use free games. This step had already taken effect on April 28, 2020, and will continue until May 21.

The Epic Games Mega Sale

Epic Games is pleased to announce the return of the Epic Games Mega Sales, as stated in the related press release. In addition to the basic price reductions, there is again a voucher worth 10 euros if a purchase of 14.99 euros or more is made in the Epic Store. This is then automatically redeemed when paying.

Anyone who buys a game or picks up a free game during the campaign before the user has clicked on the button will automatically receive the first Epic voucher worth EUR 10. The vouchers expire on November 1, 2020, at 8:59 a.m.CET explains Epic.

Epic Games Title on offer

The following games are reduced in price during the promotional period:

Epic Games: New Mega Sale GTA V for free


The two-factor authentication

By the way, if you don’t know how best to get two-factor authentication or set it up, you can have the individual steps explained using the example of Fortnite in the following tutorial video.

For all veterans among you who are just too lazy to look for the appropriate link, continue here:


Stay tuned to TheGameRoof for the latest patch notes, and content drop news for the game.