Fallout 76 Update 1.48 Patch Notes | UPDATE V
Bethesda released a latest update for Fallout 76. According to the Bethesda official website Fallout 76 1.48 patch notes, latest Season 3 update added an all-new “Scribe of Avalon” Scoreboard and a wide variety of new rewards.
Fallout 76 1.48 update is now available for download for PC, XBox and PS4. The file size is different, on PS4 you have to download 9.2GB. Below you will find all the information about Fallout 76 Update 1.48 Patch Notes on 12/15/2020.
Fallout 76 Update 1.48 Patch Notes | UPDATE V Details
Check the download sizes below for today’s patch on your platform of choice:
- PC (Bethesda.net): 5.0 GB
- PC (Microsoft Store): 11.9 GB
- PC (Steam): 5.7 GB
- PlayStation 4: 9.2 GB
- Xbox One: 11.6 GB
- We’re kicking off Fallout 76 Season 3 with the all-new “Scribe of Avalon” Scoreboard, where you will join the intrepid time-traveling historian, K.D. Inkwell, to investigate the mysteries of a medieval civilization.
- The new Scoreboard features 100 ranks to achieve as you and Inkwell work to find and preserve technology in Avalon over the coming months.
- As always, we’ve added a host of new rewards that you will unlock as you rank up, including Power Armor paints, Weapon Skins, Outfits, themed cosmetics, C.A.M.P. items, in-game currencies, consumables Perk Card Packs, and more.
- This Season, we’ve also implemented several new types of rank-up rewards that are available for the first time ever, like Lite Allies, Backpack Flairs, Perfectly Preserved Bubblegum, the Antique Speed Bag, and Perk Coins.
- We’ve made a few adjustments for Season 3 that you may want to keep in mind as you dive in:
- For the first time, we’ve added several bonus rewards to the Scoreboard for Fallout 1st Members at certain rank milestones, which can be claimed in addition to the normal rewards those ranks offer.
- We’ve implemented some new Challenges in the Daily and Weekly rotations, as well. These include Shelters-themed Challenges, and Challenges to take down different enemies, like Blood Eagles and Mothman Cultists.
- Finally, last season’s Weight Bench reward is now available for purchase from Gold Bullion vendors so that players who missed it have another opportunity to grab one.
- Head to the Seasons page on Fallout.com and read our recent Season 3 Preview article to get more information about Season 3, as well as a check out the rewards that will be up for grabs.
- “Core Vault” Objects: We’ve added a few new items to the set of “Core Vault” C.A.M.P. objects that are unlocked after you complete the “Home Expansion” quest, including a Foundation version of the Core Vault Floor, a new Doorway Wall, and a Vault-themed door to match.
Fallout 76 Update 1.48 BUG FIXES
- Power Armor: The headlamp on the Blue Demon Power Armor Helmet now shines in the correct direction in third-person view.
- Underarmor: The Brotherhood of Steel Camouflage Infantry Uniform no longer clips through equipped outfits.
- Ammo Converter: Flamer Fuel can now be sold using the 100x sell option, and Railroad Spikes can be purchased using the 100x buy option.
- Defenses: The Encampment Gate is now centered between its posts.
- Defenses: Encampment Fences can now be snapped to the left side of the Encampment Gate.
- Exploit: Addressed a C.A.M.P. budget exploit related to Patio Chairs.
- Spooky Sound Machine: The Spooky Sound Machine can now be placed at the same time as the Fog Machine.
- Vault Catwalk: Straight sections of Vault Catwalk can now be properly snapped to corner pieces.
- Combat: Killing the Scorchbeast Queen now count toward “Kill Different Kinds of Tough Enemies” Combat Challenge progress.
- Combat: Killing the Flatwoods Monster now counts toward “Kill an Alien” subchallenge progress for the “Kill different kinds of human-like creatures” Combat Challenge.
- Combat: Killing a Small Frog now counts toward “Kill Different Kinds of Critters” Combat Challenge progress.
- Combat: Killing a Hermit Crab now counts toward “Kill Different Kinds of Arthropods” Combat Challenge progress.
- Combat: Killing Mirelurks and Fog Crawlers now counts toward “Kill Different Kinds of Aquatic or Semi-Aquatic Creatures” Combat Challenge progress.
- Combat: Killing Cave Crickets now counts toward “Kill different Kinds of Insects and Bugs” Combat Challenge progress.
- Daily: Fixed an issue that prevented some Holotapes from counting toward “Listen to an Audio Holotape” Daily Challenge progress.
- World: The “Discover the Overseer’s C.A.M.P.” World Challenge now displays the correct reward icon in the Challenge menu.
- Armor: Red Viper Armor Skins can now be favorited for use in Nuclear Winter.
- Headwear: Red Viper and Camouflage Skins can now be applied to the Urban Scout Mask.
- Plans: Fixed an issue that prevented the Plan for the Poodle Sleeping Bag from dropping as a reward for level 50+ players in Daily Ops.
- Client Stability: Fixed a PC client crash that could occur when fighting Scorched in the Forest.
- Client Stability: Fixed a PlayStation 4 client crash that could occur when exiting another player’s Vault Atrium Shelter.
- Client Stability: Fixed an Xbox One client crash that could occur when entering the Foundation Supply Room during the “Supplying Demands” quest.
- Performance: Fixed an issue that could cause client hitching during gameplay.
- Property Rights: Sheena no longer spawns inside a wall during the “Speak to Sheena” objective.
- Build: Floors and other objects can now be built at the spawn point inside Shelters, excluding items like Traps and Pressure Plates.
- Floor Décor: Potted Plants can now be built near Shelter ceilings more easily, and no longer sometimes place outside the playable area.
- Entrances: Fixed a case where Large Shelter Entrances could not be placed near water.
- Entrances: Objects built on top of Large Shelter Entrances no longer clip through the pre-existing metal beams.
- Programmable Objects: Light Boxes, Switches, Cycling Lights, and other objects that can be “programmed” now retain their settings between play sessions.
- Wall Décor: Fixed an issue that could cause the Eat-o-tronic to clip into the floor when built inside the Vault Lobby Shelter.
- Wallpapers: Only Wallpapers that the player owns can be placed inside of Shelters.
- Wires: Wires attached between Generators and certain powered objects, like Decontamination Showers, now persist after exiting and re-entering a Shelter.
- Collectron Stations: Added Sound effects that will play when opening or closing the container attached to Collectron Stations.
- Atomic Shop: Fixed an issue that could prevent further menu navigation in the Atomic Shop after purchasing a Bundle.
- Help Menu: Added Shelters information to the Fallout 76 Help Menu.
- Inventory: Opening a Holiday Gift no longer causes the player’s current selection to automatically move up one row in the Aid menu.
- Scoreboard: Purchasing multiple rank-ups quickly no longer sometimes causes the rank-up button to become non-functional.
Download free Fallout 76 update 1.48 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Source: Bethesda