Fortnite Update 2.79 Patch Notes 13.40 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Epic Games has published FortnitePatch Notes update 13.40 for Fortnite. Fortnite 2.79 patch notes, the latest update added Fortnite vehicles (Car, Truck and more) to the game. Players can now drive in cars, trucks and more. Apart from this, Fortnite update 2.79 also added various fixes, tweaks, and more.
Fortnite Update 2.79 is now available to download for all platforms. You have to download and install 3.7 GB on the PS4. Download size may vary by platform.
Fortnite Patch Notes 2.79 / Update 13.40

Below are the full patch notes for this August 5 update.
- Renamed the Arena Island to Fortilla Island – A fortress on the water.
- Added Debris Island – An empty version of the Fortilla Island.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Roboto font was removed.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that occurred when chests were created while the player was respawning.
- Fixed a network connection issue that could occur when multiple supply drops were spawned at once.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Hoverboard could clip into the ground after jumping.
- Fixed an issue where Junk Rift damage could be prevented by certain hideables.
- Fixed an issue where the B.R.U.T.E. left behind visual effects when deleted.
- Fixed an issue where the Mounted Turret could not aim down sights.
- Fixed an issue where exiting the Mounted Turret did not display an interaction progress circle.
- Fixed an issue where the player transformed into a prop and appeared much smaller to other players.
- Fixed an issue where the Cannon Ball was getting stuck on indestructible structures.
- Fixed an issue where players could change teams without respawning using the driver seat of a B.R.U.T.E.
- Fixed an issue where the player could get into a broken state when entering the Quadcrasher while flying with the Jetpack.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where multi-selected props were not rotating properly.
- Fixed an issue where a previously added prop would become active on the phone tool when selecting from the creative inventory.
- Fixed an issue where players could not rotate non-prop structures while using cut and paste with resize on.
- Fixed an issue where Quickbar icons would flicker into empty slots between filled slots.
- Fixed an issue where replacing items when the hotbar was full caused the currently equipped weapon to be replaced.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where some props in the Nature Ice Cliff Gallery were displaying the wrong texture.
- Fixed a collision issue with a tunnel in the Primitive Shapes Gallery.
- Fixed an issue where the moving targets from the Shooting Range Gallery did not reset when leaving the game.
- Fixed an issue where the Shooting Range Gallery targets did not register the bullseye correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the blue and yellow walls were red in the Frenzy Farm prefabs.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the player’s POV was distorted after interacting with the X-4 Stormwing Spawn device.
- Fixed an issue where the X-4 Stormwing Spawn would de-sync after a player struck it with a pickaxe.
- Fixed an issue where the Capture Area device’s ‘Can Receive Item From’ option was not functioning properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Elimination Manager could drop one more weapon than the setting indicated.
- Fixed an issue where Capture Areas overlapping a Mutator Zone blocked mutator zone emote functionality.
- Fixed an issue where Mutator Zone visual effects played every time an item was destroyed.
- Fixed an issue where Movement Modulator speed adjustment did not function correctly in water after the second speed change.
- Fixed an issue where the Damage Volume device’s ‘Affects Unmanned Vehicles’ option did not work if a player entered or exited a vehicle inside the Damage Volume.
- Fixed an issue where the Search and Destroy audio clip from the Speaker device would not play during the warmup phase.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where multiple devices in the Creative Inventory were still featuring a Recently Added tag.
- Fixed an issue where assets in the minimap were appearing with corrupted textures.
Source: Epic Games
The game is available now for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Stay tuned to TheGameRoof for the latest Fortnite patch notes, and content drop news for the game.