Here’s how Google has designed the controller

The design director, Isabelle Olsson has revealed in an interview some interesting background behind the creation of the controller of the Google Staff.

Some people might say that, in the end, the controller design, the Rule does not differ much from those already in the market. However, in reality, to get to the final prototype is approved, it takes months and months of hard and careful work.

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As explained in Olsson, the final version of the controller, in fact, is the result of hundreds of prototypes, some of which were modeled by the players with the clay and then digitized by the development team. Others, however, were created by examining many videos that focus on how people interact with the various controller models.

“We have used numerous cameras and filmed around 6,000 hours of play to see how people had different types of controllers,” says Olsson. “When you receive comments about a project, it is important to listen to what they say to people, but also to see what they do.”

The team behind the controller staff has also asked the tester to place certain items, such as analog sticks, in a prototype to determine which configuration will be most comfortable.

All of these feedback, therefore, have given life to the controller of the Google Staff that we know today, but also to a considerable number of prototypes that, for one reason or another, will never see the light, as depicted in the image above.

Source: Gamasutra