Apple has added a new feature on iOS 13 or iPadOS that reduces the user’s consumption of general data. How the new “data saving mode” is used, we show you now.
The new data saving mode on iOS 13 or iPadOS allows apps to reduce the use of mobile data on the iPhone or iPad. In particular, limited-volume iPhone users can benefit from the new feature and no longer have to fear for their GBs. With the so-called data saving mode, you can reduce the consumption of your entire data volume.
As soon as the user activates the feature, the iPhone or iPad stops the background updates – automatic downloads are also prevented directly. Saving new photos or videos in the iCloud or automatic updates are also eliminated. Facetime calls with image transmission can be made anyway, but they take place in a much poorer quality. Basically, when Data Saver mode is enabled, all tasks,
For whom is the feature interesting?
The iPhone or iPad not only lowers the quality of video playback but also music streaming. However, the data-saving mode on iOS 13 or iPadOS is not just intended for mobile data – it can also be used in individual Wifi networks. Primarily, users with little data volume will access the feature. But why should one activate a data saving mode in the Wifi network? There is also a plausible explanation for this. Not every Wlan station has an infinite amount of data. For example, there are mobile WiFi boxes that allow access to the network via a SIM card – these usually have a certain number of GBs. So you see, the new feature could be quite helpful – because not everyone has unlimited data volume.
This activates the data saving mode under iOS 13 or iPadOS
As already mentioned, the data-saving mode for the mobile network can be activated separately. If you want to use the feature in certain Wifi networks, you can also set this individually. To enable the data-saver mode for the mobile network, first open the iOS settings. Then navigate to the “Mobile Network” menu and tap “Data Options.”
Now you can enable or disable the data saver mode. To use the feature on a particular Wifi network, you need to go to the Wlan section of the iOS settings. From here you can control any Wifi network via the “i” button and then activate the “Data saving mode” option. But beware: The respective Wifi network must be known to your iPhone or iPad.
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